April 8, 2011 - Huntington Beach, CA
Cold core low moves into SoCal. The usual waterspout spotting attempt in Huntington Beach.No spouts or funnels observed. Encountered a nice convergence boundary over the Santa Ana Cyn on my way home that triggered a line of stationary thunderstorms from Anaheim Hills to Chino.

November 4, 2011 - Huntington Beach, CA
Frontal passage and a waterspout spotting attempt. No spouts or funnels observed.

December 12, 2011 - Garden Grove, CA
Strong cold core low moves in across SoCal. Several waterspouts reported during early afternoon from Huntington Beach south to Dana Pt. As I attempt to target Huntington Beach I intercept a broadly rotating cell that moves ashore HB and into Garden Grove area of OC. I observed the mesocyclone and several small funnels with impressive rising motions.
December 19, 2011 - Huntington Beach, CA
Quick watersout spotting attempt in Huntington Beach as a strong frontal passage moves into SoCal. No spouts or funnels observed.